Saturday, August 30, 2008

WoW is Boring

It's been over three weeks since the last time I went on a raid -- the longest I've gone in over 8 months. I didn't realize how little time I've spent logged in until yesterday when I discovered that I've had the same Flask of Fort buff for the last two weeks.

I am absolutely amazed with how quickly the game has gone from immensely fun and satisfying to painfully boring, meaningless, and empty. A lot of it is definitely due to WotLK rapidly approaching. I remember feeling this same way in the months before BC was released. Even still, a big part of why I think I've dropped off the raiding calendar is the guild.

Last night, the guild was in Black Temple for the first time. I didn't sign up because there were already three other tanks on the list, as usual. I logged in to check some mail and got an invite -- "Can you come in to help clear trash?" Great, now I really am just the guild trash b****. I accepted just because I wanted the chance to say I've been inside BT. After getting summoned and being useless for ten minutes since I wasn't even given a dedicated tank target, we were at a boss. I got another whisper, "Thanks for coming. Would keep you if this boss needed more than one tank." I told him I was probably done with tanking and logged out. And people wonder why there is a 'tank shortage'. It's because there are plenty of spots for tanks in 5-man opportunities, but those spots do not scale with 10 and 25-man raids.

It's sad, really, thinking about how much fun it used to be. All that effort put into this character going to waste on trash mobs. Not exactly how I would have imagined my time in Outlands would end. At least I had a blast while it lasted.

There are good things about it I suppose. I have time to do other things and kill time with other games. Warhammer is coming out soon, so I'll be trying it out. It's nice to have a break from raid schedules. November will be here before we know it, and it will start all over again.

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